Sunday 11 September 2011

We got told to make a 1:5 model of our building detail to show the tutors the day back after holidays. Since my detail will be made if brick concrete and a metal frame, i couldnt use these real materials to make a 1:5. Instead i made a cardboard model to give the tutors an idea of what im going to do for my 1:1 and an idea of how the forms relate and visually look. They will have to wait till thursday to see the real material relationship.
 The upsidedown 'F' will be a metal frame which is part of my building deign thats fitted against the concrete wall.
So my model will basically be paved bricks with an 'L' shaped piece of concrete that fits into it. The bricks are part of the old railway hotel and the concrete is my building design which cuts into the existing old building. 
The floor of the old railwaybuilding will be on the same level and have a continuos flow into my building

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