Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Crit - Waking up, Second life

I will write thses up soon
Ivrel Kagaoan:

Ivrel draws on the idea of showering as part of the process of waking up. to him having a shower fully wakes him up both physically, mentally and psychologically. He shows this idea in his design by creating a fountain thing. most of his design was created in 3d max which looks hard to use but it allowed his design to be something quite different to what it would have been on just sl. Im not so sure about making water dropplets tho. i think it is a very literal way of making a reference to water and maby there could ave been anouther way to do this and concrete looking forms cannot float in air.  I like that he has thought not only about visual elements of his design but has thought about sound, water flow, the way the waer pours and how this effects the experience as opposed to  just using only literal refernces. the spirting and slpashing sound of the water resembles a shower, the different level circles alow water to filter and flow downward just like it would in a shower. it sutblely makes refrences to a shower which can evoke the feeling of waking. He has create a peaceful calm area where peole can freely think and relax. The rings basically are a narritive of showering process. the smallest represents the start of the process where are minds still arnt quite with it which is portrayed by lack of water movement. as the process continues we get more concious and so the rings get bigger and have move activity/water movement. 

Ji Lee
Ji used to have a fear of going in the water but when she actually went in the water she had a "wake up" and realized that it actually wasn't as bad as she thought and this gave her a perspective of looking at the same place without fear. she used a street art/ graffiti on a box which light up at the words "wake up"to link back to her 1:500 and 1:100 and to link to her memory by "representing the change in the state of mind and how the same scene looks different according to the person’s preconceived thoughts." i like the ideas behind this design. She has thought about waking up in a different way where most people just looked at it like someone literally waking up in the morning. This gives her project a bitmore uniqueness. I also would like to say that i was impressed how she managed to make the whole design completely change and i liked that she made and used her own textures which look better and are more original that sticking only to second life ones. It must have taken alot of hard work to get it right.

emilies design is about the idea of a crack or gap as she though that the old railwaystation, her site, doesnt fit in with its sourroundings as it was building in anouther era as it is now souronded by modern high rises and structures. she uses this gap/ crack idea to make a refernece to the trasition between two different worlds - the one where we are asleep and the one when we are awake. i dont quite remember what the reasons for the funny shapes are but they would  create a different atmosphere at different parts of the day say light or dark. However i would find it hard to navigate though this space as they are everywhere and would get in the way. I like the colour and texture of them tho. they look quite pritty and elegant which heavily contrasts to the dark walls on either side. this may possibly be anouther refresence between two different worlds

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