Monday 10 October 2011

i talked to a tutor on the first day and pritty much got told to put my laser cutting project into my augmented project. i tried to work with it but it just didnt feel right. i think i should be taking elements or ideas from the projects not simply physically mashing them cause this does not create a office that i would want to be in and some of the ideas of my projects dont work once they are smushed together. i talked to the tutor again and we decided i should change my site and work with and into a hill and to forget about the other design and start fresh and let the brick work and ideas inform my office and space which i knida where i feel i should have been going from the start. its tuesday and i finally kinda have a design, not fully yet tho and hopefully the tutors like it tomorow or im screwed and will have to run with it anyway since there not time left to design the office cause i have to get onto presenting it and the matrix. i like what i have now better that what i did have and i feel like its a place where i would actually like to work in.

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