Sunday 14 August 2011

During my desktop crit with judy, she talked about some of the problems that i highlighted in the previous post. She wasnt quite sure about my design and it made it harder for her to understand the concept since i didnt site it to begin with. However she liked the idea of demoliotion as my take on sustance.
Since then, i have found a site for my design:
Site in real world. Between the two tall buildings on the roof on the 2 storey yellow building
I chose this site as my design will be surrounded by tall buildings which creates an ueasy unsafe feel especially if you think about how they sway more and feel like they could fall down on you. This creates an atmosphere that i think demolition would evoke.

Site in Second Life - on the black area next to grey wall

On site looking up

I chose this site in SL because it has similar elements and feel of the real site eg the tall structures on either side

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