Monday 25 July 2011

Week 2

We have to draw on one piece of paper for 2 weeks and make the stages of the drawing into a animation thing. Im not sure what we have to draw really but i know we have to chose a place in the city an imagine waking up there i think.

Week 1

So its first week back from holiday and we are told we have a week to make two sectional models at 1:100 and 1:500 of the city. It seems like a lot of work but we have been partnered up so its not too bad. My partner, Nathan, and I left most of the work til the day before it was due. We spent 12 hours on a sunday in studio working. Our 1:100 model turned out real cool. On the monday every had to cut up their models and assemble them into one giant model of the city. It was tough seeing everyones models geting ruined.